It came, it went. Japan. Sigh.
I had wanted to do a post sooner when I got back but the jet lag has been of the intense sort, and I needed time to get my head screwed properly back on my shoulders. So here are just a few of the highlights from my trip to glorious Nippon!

Yakitori in Shiga...might be just as cozy as my grandmother's house....

Sushi and crab dinner @ Kinosaki-Onsen.

Kinosaki at night...

Old friends, new friends...

Possibly one of the greatest things I will ever see in this life...the eight story sex shop in Akihabara.

While my sense of taste has definitely retrogressed back to American style food (DEVISTATING), nothing can break my addiction to all things soy. These are little boxes of soy milk, 88 yen a piece. In a billion different and wonderful flavors. Pictured: Chestnut, black sesame, sweet potato.

Laundry minus the dryer...If I had a balcony I would love to line dry my stuff here too, come spring.

Walmart's total world domination, on schedule.


One of those sweet potato trucks that nobody in America believes really exists.
Photographic PROOF.

The warmest, most relaxing bar in the world? I think so. I took just under ten billion pictures in here and the owner got a bit aggravated. I couldn't understand why he cared so much until the Maker's Mark wore off and I actually reviewed the photos. So many I could probably make an animated flip book. すみませんでした。

Cute right down to the yogurt.
Aloe yogurt.