It's been an incredible while since I've last posted. I've needed a bit of time to gather my thoughts and feelings regarding all of the drastic changes that have happened in the last few months, I suppose. It took me a while to find enough equilibrium to write about it. But I'm back. And here's what happened:
I went to Seattle, Los Angeles, Shannon Ireland, Las Vegas, Savannah, New Orleans, Detroit, Memphis, Prague, Raleigh, Dallas...all over the map. At least three dozen other various cities.
And in the end, I decided to resign.
Cue the "WHYYYYYY?!"s...
Answer: Because I was lonely for home and need to create things with my hands to be happy.
I am a simple person.
It's not that I don't have an interest in seeing the world (see moving to Japan at age 18).
It's just that from all of this I learned that more than spending 24 hours alone in a hotel room in Prague, I would rather take a cross-country road trip in a crappy van with my friends just once. Even if it took us two years to save up for, and we survived off of pringles and 7-11 hot dogs for a month.
In addition, I never realized how much I loved home until I couldn't have it any more.
Especially now as fall sets in, the smell of wood stoves, the leaves changing. Being surrounded by miles of pine trees and clean air, being able to see the stars at night...My best summer moment was sitting on my friends porch in Providence while they played music and I pretended I was cool enough to be in the band:

This girl was not made for NYC.
She was made for baking cakes and cookies for dear friends, taking photographs of uneventful things, drawing and painting when she feels like it and writing about frivolous matters as best as she can.
She can also be good for karaoke (depending), dancing (most always in her mind), and interior decoration. See also building furniture and painting. Can also make a mean Mediterranean salad.
She can also be good for karaoke (depending), dancing (most always in her mind), and interior decoration. See also building furniture and painting. Can also make a mean Mediterranean salad.
So in conclusion, here is an album of things that are making me incredibly happy as of late...mostly but not entirely related to having a room to call my own again:

Baking a cake for my sister's surgery party. (Gluten-Free for 50+ points)
Baking a cake for my sister's surgery party. (Gluten-Free for 50+ points)
Re-raising my only surviving house plants. アボカドベイビー達。
Analog Toy カメラと派手なハイヒール。