
A Happy Birthday / Sunday of the Weak.

Last night I trecked down to the BBC once again for Officer Greg's surprise birthday party. Which became a non-surprise earlier in the day when someone finally let it slip, but it was enjoyed by all either way.
Although I had some great fun, I have to say I think that my love for alcohol is gradually phasing out as of recent. I would have had just as much of a good time with a diet coke in my hand and would not be feeling quite so blah today had I chose that course of action. My bank account balance would have also thanked me. I've long been a fan of wild and crazy, but at 27 I'm really feeling those nights in bed with hot mint tea and a good book...I think that's where it's at for me now.
In other news, as a direct result of the wild and crazy of last night, I've spent today bumming around the house eating chocolate (Sundays are calorie exempt) and contemplating cleaning off the deck. Did not happen. As you can see, my cactus garden clearly failed to meet my expectations.
Now I'm off to Target to get printer ink which by the way, costs a damn fortune.
I need it for a very special and somewhat sessy birthday present project for Policecop.
Oof Ooff. And that was my weekend.

Dress: J Crew, via Savers for $8.
Boots: Target last spring on sale.
Hat: Most favorite hat ever. H&M, two years ago.

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