Ah Saturday.
Things actually started off pretty shitty today when I failed to use the correct grind of coffee for our new machine (Thanks Elliot! For the coffee maker, not the shitty morning. That part was my fault.)
Even having worked at the almighty Starbucks for a few years, I didn't realize what horrible things could happen when using coffee ground for a paper filter in a metal one.
Well, let me tell you...
Go a little bit coarser when you're dealing with a metal filter. Or else, you will end up drinking an entire large mug of what is more or less straight up espresso. This will basically ruin you for about 3-4 hours. I thought I was about ready to shake and shimmy into the afterlife. Sweating, tremors, nausea, the whole shebang. And that was my morning. You think I would have recognized that something was wrong when I poured it and it had a crema layer. My bad, my bad.
I was able to come down from the terrible terrible high, with some help from the best lunch on earth: grilled cheese with sliced roma tomatoes, fresh basil, and tomato soup. After which I set out to find an appropriate getup for Policecop's hometown graduation tomorrow.
Result: I may as well show up at Camp Edwards cradling a baguette, but I like it. Alot. It may or may not have been inspired by my new camera strap on a subconscious level.
Found the shoes at Forever21. I have wanted these for at least 5 months when they showed them in a jean advert, but failed to put them up for sale until about a month ago.
I was beginning to assume that they were never going to be available, and considered writing to the company a few times....yes, I wanted them that bad.
The dress I found at Target on clearance for $10.
Put together with black cardigan, thrifted beret and my trusty knee socks...which I may or may not wear tomorrow as the boys parents will be there. Paired with the sky-high heels, I think it might just be pushing the provocative envelope a little bit past brunch-appropriate. I'm still debating, but I'm thinking black tights might be the way to go. Better safe than slutty, I suppose.
Now I'm off to sew some buttons and paint some nails. Two things I find incredibly tedious. I would have liked to have gotten them over with earlier, had I not been in a state of perpetual vibration. Blood and OPI everywhere...not the one you want.
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